LAIKA, the studio behind the stop motion, 3D feature film Coraline, is currently busy on many stop motion projects including a new 3D feature film. While we cannot divulge information about the film, we can tell you they are using Dragon Stop Motion for all of their shooting in both their House and Entertainment divisions.

LAIKA has the distinction as an animation company that its CEO is also a world class animator. Travis Knight was the lead animator on Coraline, tackling the toughest shots and always bringing a depth and emotion to his performances.

Travis Knight-

“Dragon is a extraordinary achievement in design and function, an elegant blend of creativity and technology.  LAIKA uses Dragon on both our commercial and feature film stages as the core piece of our production technology.  It is a program that is at once simple and sophisticated: accessible and intuitive for the most troglodytic artist, yet sufficiently deep and robust for the most grizzled, technophilic veteran.  With its ingenious interface, reliable performance, and exhaustive set of features, Dragon is as essential to modern stop-motion production as an X-Acto blade and a power drill.  It makes other frame-grabbing tools seem as antiquated as a surface gauge.  I can’t imagine animating with anything else.”

Thank you Travis for that amazing quote—we hope we continue to live up to those expectations.