In a daring mix of high-speed footage (slow-motion) and stop motion, director Christopher Riggert of Biscuit Filmworks transforms an Acura TSX Sedan into a TSX Sports-wagon. Check out the behind the scenes footage at Biscuit. The Animation Supervisor, Helder Sun, was kind enough to answer a few questions about the production:

What was the biggest challenge?

HS: “Shooting a full scale car on location.  We had to fully disassemble and reassemble two cars. A huge challenge was organizing and keeping track of the car parts. Shooting nights on location was tough—we had giant moths and deep fog that would roll in around 5am.”

How many days was the shoot?

HS: “Four days. One day to shoot the live-action photography. Three days for the stop-motion photography.”

What camera did you shoot on?

HS: “We ended up shooting 35mm film on a ARRI Advanced 435 in order to shoot 120fps and single frame mode for the stop-motion.”

Any special Dragon features used?

HS: “Dragon’s line-up layer function was essential for registering the different passes of the live-action with stop-motion. We also used the aux monitor feature to output to a larger hd display that was mobile on set. As well as a Dragon DMX box that was interacting with the kuper motion control system.”

Thanks Helder – keep up the great work.