Wolfgang Matzl, an animator and illustrator from Vienna, Austria remade “Inception” with paper cut-outs, all shot traditionally frame per frame with a Canon EOS 50D digital camera.

It was made for the “Done In 60 Seconds” competition by British film magazine “Empire”. The task was to recreate a movie of your choice in no more than a minute. This piece was one of the ten finalists in Berlin, Germany.

We interviewed Wolfgang about the project:

What was your visual inspiration?

I wanted to invoke the feeling of a pop-up book coming to life and also pay homage to Terry Gilliam and Jan Lenica.

Where there any features of DSM that you particularly appreciated?

I’ve used a different stop motion software before but it doesn’t even come close to Dragon Stop Motion.

This was my first time with Dragon Stop Motion and it was very easy to learn. At the same time it is very complex, your focus is definitely on the professional animator so I’m looking forward to going deeper in the future.

What I want to point out about Dragon Stop Motion is its stability. I was working very long hours and it never let me down, which is very important when you are working toward a tight deadline.

One feature which was indispensable for me is the Live View Magnification.

I am working on a 2D animated short at the moment but I’ve alread built a puppet for my next stop motion project, so I am looking forward to buy the full version this summer! There are so many cool features that I haven’t explored yet : )

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

Dragon Stop Motion is a dream come true for every aspiring animator. Thank you for a great software and keep up the great work!

Thank you Wolfgang!