OTTO is a video created with the intention to talk in a metaphorical and abstract way about the natural circle of events, which often switches the rules of the characters involved. Light and dark play the catalyst to metamorphosis, we are reminded perception isn’t always black and white, but a blend of the two. Even if there is no grey, there is an eerie juxtaposition where contrast, lighting and movement can bridge the gap. We are honored to highlight this masterful piece of detailed craft and production, and are looking forward to this team’s next endeavor!

Directors: Salvatore Murgia – Dario Imbrogno
Director of Photography: Giancarlo Morieri
Animator: Dario Imbrogno
Post Producer: Salvatore Murgia
Sound Designer: Nicola Ariutti
Distribution: Withstand

Best Experimental Video at ANIMATOU 2015
Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève – PRIX LABO


Blog by Amun Levy