Raf Wathion creates another impressive spot using stop motion techniques. Working with The Mill, LA for post and Stephen Blackman as DP, Raf takes a unique approach for the luxury car market. Shot as a series of high res digital stills via a Canon 5D Mark ll, “Turntable” uses long exposures to create a flurry of controlled light streaks. The giant oval camera move was plotted with the Genuflex M ll connected to Dragon. The spot was shot entirely with Dragon Stop Motion 2.0. Director of photography, Stephen Blackman took advantage of Dragon’s extensive cinematography features like the Digital Densitometer.
Read the Motionographer article about the piece.
You may remember Raf’s incredible spot for Electrabel “Happy New Year”
Helder Sun was the on-set Dragon Stop Motion operator.

Helder Sun and Stephen Blackman discuss the shot

Canon 5D Mll on the Genuflex Mll