Tom Gibbons and Chuck Duke animated the two shots using Dragonframe and two Canon 5D Mll. “… we shot both angles ‘continuous’ meaning both cameras have ALL the action in case they wanted to slip the edit from one angle to the other at any point. We used the Line Up Layer feature in Dragonframe to make sure we had the perspective correct on the camera angles to match the live action. The Line Up Layer allowed us to make a best guess at what was going to look right in the movie. Dragonframe (other than being just AWESOME) really helped when part way through the shot, Hunk’s legs/pelvis came loose and we had to remove the puppet and do a major surgery and then get him back into the scene.” – Tom Gibbons
Here is a more extensive video covering the process: Behind-the-Scenes: Making the Stop-Motion Puppets for Star Wars: The Force Awakens!