The fact that someone can recreate the act of cooking scrambled eggs out of wool felt from start (whole egg) to finish (fluffy and scrambled) might blow you away. The fact that they can then animate the process to look enchantingly fluid (yes, fluid) definitely blows us away.
“Scrambled Eggs is one of the newer videos in my ongoing Cooking with Wool series,” animator and fiber artist, Andrea Love, told us. “My first cooking videos went viral in 2019, helped me build an audience, and started getting me branded social media work.
“When I have a little extra time these days, I enjoy getting out of the felted kitchen and whipping up some new tiny treats. For some reason I gravitate toward breakfast foods and baked goods. Everything in this video is either needle felted or made with sheet felt, then animated at 12 frames per second.”
This is especially impressive when you consider the different states her ingredients seamlessly take on—butter melts, eggs liquify then fluff-up and scramble. It’s really something to behold. “Another important component to these videos,” Love continued, “is the sound by Richard Gould. There’s an ASMR component to the sound of an egg cracking, etc.” This, of course, also adds to the real effect.
“The biggest challenge with my cooking videos is animating my hand doing all the cooking. Holding a very specific position for hours on end while using my other hand to operate Dragonframe is quite difficult.” Hmmm, we’ll have to try to problem solve that one for you back at the lab…telepathy controls?
Next up for the Love is a foray into the gaming world. “I started a game company called Wooly Games,” she said, “and we are working on our debut game called Feltopia. It’s going to be entirely made out of felt and stop motion animated. It’s a massive undertaking. We are hoping to release it toward the end of 2026. I am also doing the occasional branded social media job and dreaming about what I might cook next.