
DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション


DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション

Under Covers by Mighty Oak

“What do people do behind closed doors, tucked in bed, after the lights go out? Who are we when we think nobody’s looking? These questions have been quietly floating around in my brain for a long time, and now the secret is out,” said director, Michaela Olsen of her the unique new short coming out of Mighty Oak Studios, “Under Covers.”

08 / 18 / 2019|

La Yegros’ “Tenemos Voz” by Juan Manuel Costa

Now living in France, La Yegros published her third album this year: “Suelta” containing “Tenemos Voz” (We Have A Voice), a song about the place of women in modern society. The music video by Argentinian director Juan Manuel Costa shows the vibrant process of a the painting of a mural that tells the story of the strong woman in the song.

05 / 16 / 2019|