Fleet Foxes’ “Featherweight” by Sean Pecknold
Sean Pecknold directed the stop motion music video for Fleet Foxes’ Featherweight in a post-covid reality.
Stop Motion Festival of Montréal Teaser by Gianluca Maruotti
“For the 13th edition of the Stop Motion Festival of Montréal we wanted to create a teaser that would highlight the number 13, which is believed to bring bad luck in some countries and good luck in others."
Poppy’s “Her” by Chris Ullens
When director Chris Ullens was courted by musical artist Poppy’s team to make a stop motion video for her latest single, "Her", he listened to it well over a hundred times as an
Elephant’s Song by Lynn Tomlinson
Old Bet was the famous elephant of a Somers, New York farmer who bought her to farm the land and ultimately realized that was not going to happen...Old Bet ultimately became the first circus elephant in America. Set to a tune sung by her friend, an old farm dog, their story is portrayed in colorful, handcrafted animation, created frame by frame with clay-on-glass and oil pastel animation.
Giangrande’s “Morning Dew” by Gianluca Maruotti
From director Gianluca Maruotti comes another music video for the artist, Giangrande. This time it is a clay stop motion piece for the single, Morning Dew. The song is a guitar-heavy, poignant, tune
BESTIA by Hugo Covarrubias
More than anything else, what signals the tension in the BESTIA trailer, is the sound track. It builds as the trailer progresses, making it almost obvious that what originally seems like a mundane snapshot of life would soon feature both a knife (twice) and a gun by the end. Inspired by real events, BESTIA, by Hugo Covarrubias, enters the life of a secret police agent in the military dictatorship in Chile.
Dunkin NHL “Empty Net” by Peter Sluszka
From director, Peter Sluszka, of Hornet, comes a spot for Dunkin Donuts showcasing life inside the National Hockey League (NHL) bubble during last year’s unusual pandemic season.
(a) Critter Compendium by Handymartian
“In a year that was challengingly weird I found some solace in creating some critters that were entertainingly weird,” director Andy Martin of Handymartain studio said of his piece, (a) Critter Compendium.