
DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション


DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション

Ring Around the Mulberry Bush by Pox Films Inc.

Ring Around the Mulberry Bush is a short film with a heartfelt and sentimental narrative. We are taken into the seedy side of town and given a window into the psyche of characters struggling with their history and existence. Through very thoughtful dialogue and tentative self-reflection, they open up their closet of skeletons, and allow for conversation to heal their scars from the past.

10 / 12 / 2016|

On Air by Dadomani

Dadomani is back with yet another incredibly detailed and dynamic piece. This time in the form of a title sequence for the movie "On Air: Storia di un Successo", a film about Italian DJ Marco Mazzoli.

10 / 04 / 2016|

Klein Wien by Wolf Matzl

Wolf Matzl brings us a surreal journey of a man in Vienna on the search for the elusive Wiener Wurstelprater; literally a man with a sausage head.

09 / 25 / 2016|

Modernage: Scott Baio (Words) by Garundt

This new music video for Modernage delivers a raw, gritty, yet modern approach to animation. Assemblage, raw textural xeroxes, post production symmetry, and abstract mechanisms grace this video with an uncanny continuity.

09 / 05 / 2016|

Nickelodeon Kid by Tucker Barrie

A tribute and testament to 25 years worth of animation from Nickelodeon, this piece is engaging, playful and smart. The short is animated and narrated by the talented Tucker Barrie, a self-proclaimed “Nickelodeon Kid”.

08 / 29 / 2016|

Pombo by Steve Warne

A retro-futuristic portal has opened and its name is Pombo. This trailer taunts us with tasty character design, mysterious doorways, and mad scientist laboratories.

08 / 22 / 2016|