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DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション


DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション

Brunch by Marnik Loysen

“The concept for Brunch came about after several conversations with friends about generational divisions and the amusing perceptions around our age group,” Director Marnik Loysen told us. “For example, the Australian billionaire who claimed that millennials only couldn’t afford houses because they were spending their money on avocados.”

05 / 26 / 2022|

O Black Hole! by Renee Zhan

O Black Hole! is about a woman who is so worried about time passing that she sucks everything and everyone she loves inside herself to keep them safe and forever.

05 / 11 / 2022|

Samsung’s Upcycling by Can Can Club

The amount of waste we are creating in this drive for more has been a problem for the planet for a while. Samsung takes aim at the issue with a series of initiatives designed to reduce waste and energy consumption.

04 / 20 / 2022|

Showreel by Chris Ullens

When we came across a bit of Chris Ullens’ showreel on Insta, we stopped in our tracks. The titles are super cool! So, we reached out to Ullens and he filled us in

04 / 08 / 2022|

Winter’s Blight by Claire Campbell

Quietly wrapped in themes of isolation, compassion and the cyclical nature of life, Winter’s Blight tells the story of an elderly man living alone in an isolated hut, struggling to keep himself warm

03 / 18 / 2022|

Netflix’s “The House” by Nexus Studios

The House is Netflix’s latest offering in a notable line of original films, and their first full length stop motion film. It is being called an eccentric, dark comedy about a house and the three surreal tales of the individuals who have made it their home across three different eras.

02 / 16 / 2022|

The Visit by Finding Pictures

The Visit tells the solemn story of a young girl who visits her father in prison. The sole, lonely visit and ensuing memories illuminate a story more complicated than it first seems.

01 / 14 / 2022|