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DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション


DRAGONFRAME ソフトウェアで撮影されたストップモーション映画のコレクション

Robin Robin by Aardman

In their latest stop motion offering, Aardman’s Robin Robin is a departure in more ways than one: being both their first musical as well as their first film after leaving See BBC for

12 / 01 / 2021|

Halloween Visitation by Ani-Fab Studio

“We had been talking about doing some sort of project together for some time; and when Anthony Scott announced the Halloween themed Stopmo Jam 3 it seemed like the perfect time. I can’t recall how we came up with the concept--we were just tossing ideas back and forth and the idea of aliens abducting a pumpkin just stuck with us."

11 / 11 / 2021|

Elephant’s Song by Lynn Tomlinson

Old Bet was the famous elephant of a Somers, New York farmer who bought her to farm the land and ultimately realized that was not going to happen...Old Bet ultimately became the first circus elephant in America. Set to a tune sung by her friend, an old farm dog, their story is portrayed in colorful, handcrafted animation, created frame by frame with clay-on-glass and oil pastel animation.

09 / 08 / 2021|