유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

The Full Story by Daisy Jacobs

Daisy Jacobs’ new short, “The Full Story,” is many things: real, poignant, uniquely animated, and sometimes hard to watch. “I was interested in the idea of family break-ups and how people part ways,” the director told us.

10 / 24 / 2019|

Join & Blend Mixlab by Ediz Anavi

“We thought: ‘Wouldn’t it be great if there was a machine that can make a cocktail all by itself?’ and with that thought we started our creative process,” Ediz Anavi told us of the making of the set of three Join & Blend “Mix Lab” commercials.

10 / 09 / 2019|

Nighthawk by Špela Čadež

Beginning in darkness and with what looks to be a dead badger, you know “Nighthawk” is going to be dark in every way when the first spoken line is, “Get the shovel.”

09 / 18 / 2019|

Berlin Playground by Kaho Yoshida

her uber-creative animated collage of found objects and urban observations, Kaho Yoshida says, “Berlin Playground” is a mini film inspired by her experience of moving to Berlin. “I moved to Berlin in March and I immediately fell in love with the DIY, edgy, free-spirited hang out spaces in Berlin,” she told us.

09 / 10 / 2019|
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