유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

On Air by Dadomani

Dadomani is back with yet another incredibly detailed and dynamic piece. This time in the form of a title sequence for the movie "On Air: Storia di un Successo", a film about Italian DJ Marco Mazzoli.

10 / 04 / 2016|

Modernage: Scott Baio (Words) by Garundt

This new music video for Modernage delivers a raw, gritty, yet modern approach to animation. Assemblage, raw textural xeroxes, post production symmetry, and abstract mechanisms grace this video with an uncanny continuity.

09 / 05 / 2016|

Nickelodeon Kid by Tucker Barrie

A tribute and testament to 25 years worth of animation from Nickelodeon, this piece is engaging, playful and smart. The short is animated and narrated by the talented Tucker Barrie, a self-proclaimed “Nickelodeon Kid”.

08 / 29 / 2016|

Pombo by Steve Warne

A retro-futuristic portal has opened and its name is Pombo. This trailer taunts us with tasty character design, mysterious doorways, and mad scientist laboratories.

08 / 22 / 2016|
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