유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

Nounish Smorgasbord by Lee Peffer

“For a limited period, you had the opportunity to mint your personal copy of my short film as an NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain. This whole thing was funded by the Nouns DAO (decentralized autonomous community).

07 / 29 / 2023|

Tulip by Andrea Love

A sweet take on the classic Hans Christian Andersen fairytale Thumbelina, Tulip will delighting viewers with an enchanting world of bright color and delightful miniature details. This is a film that will especially appeal to lovers of fine handwork and crafting, as well as those fans of magical fairy tales of old.

05 / 22 / 2023|

Eat Your Carrots by Laura Stewart

Eat Your Carrots is a short film about a girl who finds an eyeball growing on her arm...Did you have to read that twice? Wondering if you need your eyes checked, or maybe you need to eat more carrots yourself? This is what happens when the super creative are locked away for too long without an outlet.

05 / 11 / 2023|
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