유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

Magical Cat by Threadwood

“Magical Cat is mostly inspired by our cat, the internet's love of cat videos, and our love for the old school, animated interstitials from networks like Nickelodeon and Saturday morning cartoon blocks,” said Threadwood's Scott DaRos & Alexis Deprey.

05 / 03 / 2021|

Global Women – Career Limiting by Anna Mantzaris

When Animator, Anna Mantzaris was approached by Global Women and Saatchi & Saatchi to create a spot for Global Women New Zeeland for International Womens Day, 2021, she was thrilled. “It’s such a motivation to work both with a project that has a great cause that I support but also feel for,” she told us.

04 / 22 / 2021|

Good Intentions by Anna Mantzaris

In Good Intentions’ small thriller about decision making and guilt, a young woman responsible for a car accident. She escapes the scene but can’t stop thinking, or imagining, what happened to the other driver. The scenes that ensue, as the woman then becomes a ghost of its former self, are what really grabbed our eye. We’d never seen a ghost puppet before and director, Anna Mantzaris, pulled it off very well.

03 / 15 / 2021|

The Coin by Siqi Song

The Coin is a film about tradition, family, immigration, and most importantly, about finding ourselves,” says Chinese director Siqi Song. She goes on to explain the origins of a short that we found exceptional in both visual and narrative achievement.

02 / 24 / 2021|

Wushu Stop Motion by Polina Kutukina

In a study of human mechanics and art, Russian animator, Polina Kutukina, has created an animation of Jade Xu, three-time Wushu/Kung Fu World world champion, practicing her craft with uncanny exactitude. “The main

02 / 10 / 2021|

Animist by Kenta Shinohara

Japanese Director, Kenta Shinohara, defines his episodic Youtube channel, Animist, this way: “"Animist" is a person who believes that every material thing has a soul; a human being that worships Animism. In this channel, we bring lifeless objects to life.”

02 / 03 / 2021|
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