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DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

유리 진열장

DRAGONFRAME 소프트웨어로 캡처한 스톱 모션 영화 모음

The Moon’s Milk by Ri Crawford

Narrated by the unmistakable pitch of Tom Waits, The Moon's Milk chronicles the last expedition of Captain Millipede and his crew to harvest the milk seeping from the moon's craters.

05 / 14 / 2018|

Hot Wheels City by Ross Shuman

Proving with authority just how much you can do with an iPhone these days, the Hot Wheels City series on YouTube screams ahead with 4 episodes and close to 12 million people tuning in to see those little toy cars race, jump, flip, and skid to a stop in perfect form.

05 / 07 / 2018|
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