Scrambled Eggs by Andrea Love
“Scrambled Eggs is one of the newer videos in my ongoing Cooking with Wool series,” animator and fiber artist, Andrea Love, told us. “My first cooking videos went viral in 2019, helped me build an audience, and started getting me branded social media work.
Paper Dance by Victor Haegelin
Victor Haegelin captions his exploration of newspaper, shadow, and dance, Paper Dance, as, “Paper dancing on Vivaldi's Winter 1st move.”
Out for a Ride by Lucas Drobnitzky
We came across Lucas Drobnitzky’s Out for a Ride on Instagram and it stopped us in our tracks with a screech and a lurch.
Eric Clapton’s “The Call” by Misha Klein
When you watch the music video for Eric Clapton’s new song The Call, one word repeatedly comes to mind: nostalgia.
Over the Garden Wall 10th Anniversary Short by Aardman
Cartoon Network’s folkloric miniseries Over the Garden Wall is ten years old this year. To celebrate the milestone, Aardman Animations was commissioned to craft a stop motion short...
Vuse Sustainability Ad by Vetor Zero
“We all vape on the same planet,” thus begins vape brand Vuse’s recent sustainability push in advertising.
Vinheta 2o Fórum de Animação Latino Americana e Caribenha, 45o Festival Internacional del Nuovo Cine em Havana, Cuba by Daniel Rabanéa
The second edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Animation Animation Forum takes place as part of the 45th International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, Havana, Cuba.
Coldplay’s Feels Like I’m Falling in Love by Isabel Garret
Our latest Showcase pick has been called a celebration of animators from around the world. This music video for Coldplay’s Feels Like I’m Falling in Love caught our attention for its stop motion contribution by animator Isabel Garret.