
使用 DRAGONFRAME 软件拍摄的定格动画电影合集


使用 DRAGONFRAME 软件拍摄的定格动画电影合集

The Force Awakens – Tippett Studio

STAR WARS……Ok, we just need a moment to collect ourselves here at Dragonframe HQ. Like so many people in the animation and film industry of a certain age, the creators of Dragonframe were

12 / 27 / 2015|

Belgian National Lottery by Parabella

Parabella celebrates the season of giving by gifting us this endearing and magical spot for Belgian National Lottery. In this metaphorical world of wishing for sunny beaches, Parabella puts to use the animals of

12 / 21 / 2015|

Speed Dating by Meghann Artes

Well done! A humbling and harrowing tale on the horrors of speed dating. Things can get pretty hairy out there for the single girl! Read on as Director of Dating Disasters (and finely paced

11 / 22 / 2015|