
使用 DRAGONFRAME 软件拍摄的定格动画电影合集


使用 DRAGONFRAME 软件拍摄的定格动画电影合集

Nescafé – Reserva by Vetor Zero

A recent commercial for Nescafe - Reserva by Vetor Zero studio of Brazil tells the story of the origins of their Reserva coffee. The ad employs felt, yarn, and fabric, in animated scenes which alternate with live action. Here, Vetor Zero creates a world of impressive depth and color as we watch the coffee being picked and put in baskets in a bright, almost childlike world, then segues back into the live action kitchen of today.

01 / 31 / 2019|

Island by Max Mörtl & Robert Löbel

Sound, texture, light, selective focus, all go into the making of an animated short that is all at once realistic and abstract. Director Max Mörtl told us, “With 'Island' we wanted to create something fresh with lots of crazy characters.”

01 / 15 / 2019|

Cutting Edges by Max Mörtl

This week we take a look at an exploration in stop motion paper sculpture by Max Mörtl for European paper giant, Arctic Paper. “Cutting Edges” plays with the alluringly fundamental lines, shapes, and colors that are possible when paper folds, piles up, and moves in different ways.

01 / 08 / 2019|

JEOM by Kangmin Kim

It is inevitable that we are all tied to this heredity. No matter how much we try to erase or change this fact, our ancestors will always live through us.

12 / 31 / 2018|

Missing Link by LAIKA Studios

Out in April, Missing Link introduces audiences to Mr. Link: an 8 ft tall, 630 lb, fur-covered creature who proves the point that you can’t let appearances fool you.

12 / 18 / 2018|

Too Much Milk by MoSoMoS Studios

For someone raised on the annual ritual of old school holiday specials like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, MoSoMoS Studios’ new ad for the Oxygen network, “Too Much Milk,” is a super fun blast from the past.

12 / 11 / 2018|